welcome to friends of opera!
Welcome to Friends of Opera! Our organization exists to support the talented and dedicated young vocal artists at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Glenn Korff School of Music. UNL Opera has received national and international honors in recent years, in part because of the generosity of our members.
We are an all-volunteer organization, so our operating costs are minimal. Nearly 100% of every donation is used in some way to further our mission, which is: to support and enhance opera at UNL and to promote appreciation of opera, and attendance of opera performances, at UNL and throughout our state. We are a qualified 501(c)(3) public charity, so your donations are tax deductible.

Your Friends of Opera donations provide:
- Direct support to UNL Opera’s annual budget
- Support for the Amahl and the Night Visitors project, which makes the popular Gian Carlo Menotti Christmas opera available to Lincoln’s most needy 5th graders
- UNL scholarships for talented high school seniors who participate in the Friends of Opera Vocal Competition
- Direct subsidies for special needs, such as guest artists, guest conductors and vocal coaches
- Support for the Metropolitan Opera Nebraska District Auditions
Board of directors

Board Officers
Daniel Ikpeama, President
Jim Koudelka, Vice President
Missy Noonan, Secretary
Doug Ganz, Treasurer
Kat Hubbell, Membership Chair
Board Members
John Brandstetter
Sharla Sitzman Cerra
Sam Colwell
Dr. Anne Gray
Dr. Suna Gunther
Pam Hromadka-Ernst
Megan Krittenbrink
Missy Noonan
Dr. William Shomos
Rita Stinner
Rylee Worstell
Student Representatives
Tanner Engeseth, Graduate
Ella Young, Undergraduate
Ex-Officio Members
Barbara Kohler, NU Foundation
Dr. Felix Olschofka, Director
Glenn Korff School of Music